Iaki Vallejo
Textiles, printmaking
Iaki Vallejo is a dynamic multidisciplinary artist hailing from the vibrant culture of Colombia and currently calling Australia home. With an unyielding passion for creativity, Iaki's artistic journey has taken her through a diverse spectrum of mediums and expressions.
Primarily known for their musical prowess, Iaki has spent a significant part of her life composing, performing, recording music and more recently directing and producing her video clips. Their melodies resonate with emotion and storytelling, captivating audiences with each note.
Beyond the realm of music, Iaki's hands has always been busy crafting, sculpting, and painting. Post-COVID, she has delved deeper into the worlds of paper, textiles, pigments, and repurposed objects, embracing a broader definition of artistic expression.
Iaki Vallejo embodies the spirit of an artist constantly pushing boundaries, seeking new horizons, and challenging traditional artistic norms.